1. Shed the unnecessary.
Just say no. Turn it off. Be selective. Do the things that make you smile. Be good to yourself first. This particular season demands so much from us. This time do only what matters to you.
2. Stoke the fire.
Fire is passion. Tend to the things that light you up. Sometimes fire feels like anger. Anger can be useful to fuel our passion, but anger can also burn things down. If your anger stokes the flame, contain it until you can use it well.
3. Allow yourself rest.
We push through until we can’t anymore. This season allow yourself time to pause and to rest. Sleep can be so restorative. The dark season begs us to rest. Allow this for yourself.
4. Fill up on the yummy.
Remember that before this season of dark we accomplished a lot. We survived, we did hard things and we sowed a bountiful harvest. Celebrate what you’ve done. Celebrate the lessons and gifts that you have received. Turn on the music and dance.
5. Recharge. Plug into source.
Recharging reminds me that living is a process. Plug into source and take in all the goodness, and restore your energy There are lots of ways to plug into source. Find and use what works for you.
As we are headed into the dark let’s slow down. Let’s take good care of our whole selves. Remember to keep our core strong. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Let’s celebrate, rest and assess. We need this time of regrouping for spring is just around the corner. We will once again do our work of advocating, protecting, creating and caring for our world – however large that geography is.
Happy Hibernation, my friends. See you soon.